An Invitation to Live Your Life Intentionally
And It Starts With Designing Your Thriving 2024


Are you drifting through life?

Feeling tired of drifting through the currents of life disconnected and lacking a clear direction for the year ahead?


Design, Create, & Live Your Thriving 2024 Workbook

Your ultimate companion to unlock a year filled with intentionality and purpose.


Design, Create, & Live Your Thriving 2024 Workbook

Your ultimate companion to unlock a year filled with intentionality and purpose.

Just Imagine a Life Filled With More…

Luminous Clarity

of what you truly want and how to get it.
Uncover the path to your purpose & fulfilment with crystal-clear clarity.

Genuine Happiness

A happiness that resonates from within.
Beyond fleeting moments, discover a sense of joy that emanates from living in alignment with your values and purpose.

Authentic Success

As a reflection of your true achievements.
Simply because you redefine success on your own terms. You enjoy what you do and you have fun doing it.

The workbook is designed to help you identify meaningful work and set goals to achieve milestones that align with your values, fostering an authentic success story that mirrors your unique journey. It's not about accolades. It's about personal triumphs that resonate with your soul.


In Design, Create, and Live Your Thriving 2024 Workbook, You'll Find

Guided Framework

Tools and exercises
to define your values and strengths and chart a clear path toward achieving them.

True Happiness Exploration

to uncover what genuinely brings you joy and how to incorporate it into your daily life.

Authentic Success Blueprint

Guided approach to goal setting
to define success on your terms, driven by your values, purpose and strengths.

Design, Create & Live Your 2024 Workbook offers a dedicated segment for reflection, allowing you to gather insights from 2023 and close that chapter with purpose. The guided reflection offers you the catalyst for growth and self-discovery.

We’ll Work Together to

Gain Insights From the Past Year

Understanding your starting point is crucial in charting an effective course towards your desired destination. Delving into the intricacies of the year gone by serves as the roadmap for your thriving journey ahead.

Assess Your Current Situation

Evaluate your present to pave the way for a purposeful future. Knowing your current standing provides a baseline for assessing satisfaction, identifying areas for growth, and setting goals aligned with your values.

Clarity, Balance, and Tailored Strategies

This reflection grants clarity on strengths and weaknesses, allowing targeted goal-setting and a balanced life design. Recognising your life domains fosters tailored strategies for improvement in each area.

Engage the Perma Model From Positive Psychology

The workbook delves into Positive Emotions, Engagement, Relationships, Meaning, and Accomplishments—building a life that thrives on these essential elements.

Let Go of the Past to Begin Anew

This reflection offers closure, a necessary step, before embarking on the journey into 2024 with wisdom, resilience, and a renewed sense of direction.

Use the Insights, Gather Wisdom to Move Forward

Reflecting on 2023 unveils valuable insights, setting the stage for informed and intentional goals in 2024. It's about learning, celebrating achievements, and understanding challenges to foster gratitude and self-awareness.

Set Meaningful Goals

Within these pages lies the power to transform your aspirations into defined, achievable objectives. It's about discerning what holds true significance for you. I'll help you craft a roadmap that aligns with your deepest desires, setting the stage for a purpose-driven year. Dive into reflective exercises designed to uncover what truly matters, igniting the spark that propels you forward.

Take Your Vision to Action

“Dreams don't work unless you do” - John C. Maxwell

It's about turning those goals into actionable, attainable steps. From ideation to implementation, I'll be your guide. In Design, Create, & Live Your Thriving 2024 Workbook, you'll find the tools and strategies to bridge the gap between intention and execution. Transforming your vision into reality becomes a structured, empowering journey within these pages.

Now, Picture This

Would it be worth it to you to live your thriving life, one that is filled with purpose, joy, and fulfilment? As you work on tasks that are meaningful to you, each step unfolds, leading you to more abundance in your life.

In ensuing a purposeful and thriving 2024,  'Design, Create, and Live Your Thriving 2024' Workbook acts as your compass—a transformative tool guiding you toward clarity, meaningful tasks, and a life that resonates deeply.


Your Journey Starts Here

The 'Design, Create, and Live Your Thriving 2024' Workbook isn't just a guide—it's your pathway to reclaiming your time, gaining clarity, and infusing purpose into each moment. It's time to break free from aimless wandering and take steps to live intentionally.


Design, Create, and Live Your 2024 Workbook Includes

  • 45-Page PDF Workbook

This 45-page PDF workbook is your compass for steering toward a thriving and intentional life. Choose between the beautiful colour printable version and the PDF fillable version depending on your preferences, knowing that both options are designed to empower you on your journey to a thriving 2024.

  • 57 Prompts

As you engage with each prompt, you'll gain insights about yourself, celebrate wins, acknowledge challenges, gather lessons from 2023 and craft a roadmap for a thriving 2024. Every page invites you to explore your past year, extracting valuable insights and illuminating your path forward.

  • Scientifically-Validated Approaches

Each exercise and reflection is backed by scientific studies and research. Positive psychology, with its emphasis on strengths, virtues, and factors that contribute to a fulfilling life, serves as the cornerstone of the approach.

  • Holistic and Balanced Approach

It employs a holistic view of well-being, recognizing that fulfilment comes from multiple life domains. By addressing various aspects—be it relationships, health, career, or personal growth—it aligns with research showing that a balanced life leads to greater overall satisfaction.

  • Strategies Tailored to You

Understanding that each individual is unique, these strategies are adaptable. Your reflections and goals are crafted based on your own values, purpose, strengths, circumstances, and desires.

New Bonuses Added!

  • Goal Setting Guide

A guided approach to empower you in setting goals that resonate deeply with your aspirations. It's not just about setting goals. It's about unveiling your true desires and channelling them into tangible, achievable objectives.

Stop working on goals that are not yours and say goodbye to vague resolutions. Adopt a guided approach that turns your goals into a roadmap for a fulfilling year.

  • 12-Month Calendars

Visualise, plan, and conquer! The Design, Create & Live Your 2024 Workbook equips you with 12-month calendars (A4 PDF) to map out your entire action plan for the year. From daily tasks to significant milestones, each month becomes a canvas for you to design a life that resonates with purpose. Take charge of your time, stay organised, and watch your visions come to life.

  • Action Priority Matrix

Discover the science behind effective action! Action Priority Matrix, rooted in evidence-based methodologies, guides you through a strategic approach to prioritise tasks. Harness the effectiveness of this proven matrix to focus your efforts on what truly matters. No more guesswork—just a science-backed strategy to amplify your productivity and impact.

  • Weekly Planner

Take your vision to action with our thoughtfully crafted weekly planner. This isn't just a planner. It's your roadmap for your thriving year. Each week becomes an opportunity to make progress, to achieve, and to thrive. With dedicated spaces for tasks, goals, and reflections, the weekly planner ensures you stay on course. Watch as your intentions materialise into achievements, creating a life that resonates with joy, fulfilment, and success.

The Design, Create & Live Your Thriving 2024 Workbook

isn't just a collection of pages. It's a dynamic tool that empowers you to live each day with intention. Harness the insights from your year-end reflection and elevate your goal-setting game. It is time you turn your dreams into tangible, achievable realities. Your thriving 2024 begins here!

I'm sure you're aware that

Time Is Finite

Without clarity of what you want, how to design your 2024, and taking the necessary steps to lead you to where you want to be, you'll waste your time navigating aimlessly, missing opportunities, and feeling adrift in the currents of life.

I invite you to take a moment to reflect...

What has it cost you so far to navigate aimlessly, lacking a clear direction and purpose? Waking up each day only to go through the motions? Frustration grew, and you can't understand where this frustration comes from.


Your Choice Today Defines Your Tomorrow

You have a choice right now—close this window, carry on scrolling, and continue living a life that mirrors today. You know, the same routine, the same feeling of something missing, yet uncertain about the path to get there.

But here's the gut-wrenching truth...

If you don't design your life intentionally, you're signing up for a repeat. You'll be stuck in this loop, day in and day out—no change, no progress, just the same old story playing on a loop.

The crushing weight of not taking your first step, the ache of missed opportunities, and that constant nagging feeling that things could be better. It's a cycle that saps your energy, dims your spirit, and leaves you wondering, "Is this all there is?"

Think about the emotional toll of waking up to the same frustrations, the same unfulfilled tasks that kept piling, and the sinking feeling that time is slipping away. It's that knot in your stomach, that pang of regret, and that voice whispering, "What if?"



This isn't set in stone. You're at a crossroads.
Don't let life happen to you—make it happen for you.
I invite you to

design, create and live your thriving 2024.

Unlock the secrets to intentional living and shape your year ahead with purpose, guided by science-backed strategies rooted in positive psychology. Don't miss this chance to invest in yourself, gain clarity, and pave the way for a thriving 2024—all at an incredible price of

$15.70 USD! 


Get Design, Create & Live Your Thriving 2024 Workbook and start crafting your thriving year now. 


Hi there, Thrivers...
I'm Genny Chia,
pleased to meet you here.

BSc Psychology
Entrepreneur | Online Course Creator | Educator

As an educator deeply immersed in the fascinating realm of human behaviour and the pursuit of genuine happiness. Through my blog, I delve into a diverse range of topics, from enhancing personal effectiveness and positive psychology (a module I'm teaching) to curating wardrobes that speak volumes about your unique identity.

My passion for deciphering the secrets of human thriving led me to create the transformative Design, Create & Live Your Thriving 2024 Workbook. This workbook is a compass guiding you towards a life brimming with purpose, fulfilment and joy.

I've witnessed countless individuals grappling with discontent and burnout. A thriving life isn't about immunity to challenges. It's about equipping yourself with tools to navigate them with resilience and grace.

The workbook is an investment in your journey towards a fulfilling living. As you embark on this transformative experience, your feedback means the world to me. Your testimonial can inspire and guide others seeking the path to a thriving life.

Join me on this journey. Let's unlock the secrets to living a life that resonates with happiness, success, and purpose, one step at a time.


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